

This section contains information about migrating from older versions of webpack to newer ones.

To v5 from v4

This guide aims to help you migrating to webpack 5 when using webpack directly. If you are using a higher level tool to run webpack, please refer to the tool for migration instructions.


webpack 5 requires at least Node.js 10.13.0 (LTS).

Using newer Node.js version can improve build performance.

Upgrade webpack and its dependencies

Upgrade webpack 4 to the latest available version

When using webpack >= 4, upgrading to the latest webpack 4 version should not require additional guidance. If you are using webpack version less than 4 please see the webpack 4 migration guide.

Upgrade webpack-cli to the latest available version (when used)

Upgrade all used Plugins and Loaders to the latest available version

Some Plugins and Loaders might have a beta version that has to be used in order to be compatible with webpack 5.

Check related Plugins and Loaders migration guide when upgrading across major versions. Several commonly-used loaders like raw-loader, url-loader, and file-loader should be replaced using the new built-in Asset Modules feature.

ExtendedAPIPlugin is removed and the logic is merged into APIPlugin.

Make sure your build has no errors or warnings

There might be new errors or warnings because of the upgraded versions of webpack, webpack-cli, Plugins and Loaders. Keep an eye for deprecation warnings during the build.

You can invoke webpack this way to get stack traces for deprecation warnings to figure out which Plugins and Loaders are responsible.

node --trace-deprecation node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js

webpack 5 removes all deprecated features. In order to proceed, there should be no webpack deprecation warnings during the build.

Make sure you are using entry point information from stats

If you are using HtmlWebpackPlugin skip this step.

When using static HTML or creating HTML in other way, make sure to use entry points from stats JSON to generate <script>, <style> and <link> tags.

If this is not possible, avoid setting splitChunks.chunks: 'all' and splitChunks.maxSize later in this guide. Note that this is sub-optimal and a workaround.

Make sure to use mode

Set mode to either production or development to make sure that corresponding defaults are set.

Update outdated options

Update the following options to their new version (if used):

  • optimization.hashedModuleIds: trueoptimization.moduleIds: 'deterministic'
  • optimization.namedChunks: trueoptimization.chunkIds: 'named'
  • optimization.namedModules: trueoptimization.moduleIds: 'named'
  • NamedModulesPluginoptimization.moduleIds: 'named'
  • NamedChunksPluginoptimization.chunkIds: 'named'
  • HashedModuleIdsPluginoptimization.moduleIds: 'deterministic'
  • optimization.noEmitOnErrors: falseoptimization.emitOnErrors: true
  • optimization.occurrenceOrder: trueoptimization: { chunkIds: 'total-size', moduleIds: 'size' }
  • optimization.splitChunks.cacheGroups.vendorsoptimization.splitChunks.cacheGroups.defaultVendors
  • Compilation.entriesCompilation.entryDependencies
  • serveserve is removed in favor of DevServer

Test webpack 5 compatibility

Try to set the following options in your webpack 4 configuration and check if build still works correctly.

module.exports = {
  // ...
  node: {
    Buffer: false,
    process: false

webpack 5 removes these options from the configuration schema and will always use false.

You have to remove these options again when upgrading your configuration for webpack 5.

Upgrade webpack version

npm: npm install webpack@next --dev

Yarn: yarn add webpack@next -D

Clean up configuration

  • Consider removing optimization.moduleIds and optimization.chunkIds from your webpack configuration. The defaults could be better, because they support long term caching in production mode and debugging in development mode.
  • When using [hash] placeholder in webpack configuration, consider changing it to [contenthash]. It is not the same, but proven to be more effective.
  • If you are using Yarn's PnP and the pnp-webpack-plugin, we have good news: it is supported by default now. You have to remove it from the configuration.
  • If you are using IgnorePlugin with a regular expression as argument, it takes an options object now: new IgnorePlugin({ resourceRegExp: /regExp/ }).
  • If you are using node.something: 'empty' replace it with resolve.fallback.something: false.
  • If you are using watch: true in webpack Node.js API, remove it. There's no need to set it as it's indicated by the compiler method you call, either true for watch() or false for run().
  • If you have rules defined for loading assets using raw-loader, url-loader, or file-loader, these should be configured as Asset Modules instead.

If you were using WebAssembly via import, you should follow this two step process:

  • Enable the deprecated spec by setting experiments.syncWebAssembly: true, to get the same behavior as in webpack 4.
  • After successful migration to webpack 5, change the experiments value to experiments: { asyncWebAssembly: true } to use the up-to-date spec for WASM integration.

Reconsider optimization.splitChunks:

  • It's recommended to use either the defaults or optimization.splitChunks: { chunks: 'all' }.
  • When using a custom configuration, drop name: false and replace name: string | function with idHint: string | function.
  • It was possible to turn off the defaults by setting optimization.splitChunks: { default: false, vendors: false }. We don't recommend doing this, but if you really want to get the same effect in webpack 5: optimization.splitChunks: { default: false, defaultVendors: false }.

Consider removing defaults:

  • Using entry: './src/index.js': you can omit it, that's the default.
  • Using output.path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'): you can omit it, that's the default.
  • Using output.filename: '[name].js': you can omit it, that's the default.

Need to support an older browser?

  • By default, webpack will use your browserslist config to decide which code style to emit.
  • Without a browserslist it would emit ES6 style. You can use target: ["web", "es5"] to change it to ES5.
  • For Node.js, builds include the supported Node.js version in the target option and webpack will automatically figure out which syntax is supported, e.g. target: 'node8.6'.

Cleanup the code

Using /* webpackChunkName: '...' */: Make sure to understand the intention:

  • The chunk's name here is intended to be public.
  • It's not a development-only name.
  • webpack will use it to name files in production and development modes.
  • webpack 5 will automatically assign useful file names in development mode even when not using webpackChunkName.

Using named exports from JSON modules: this is not supported by the new specification and you will get a warning. Instead of import { version } from './package.json'; console.log(version); use import package from './package.json'; console.log(package.version);

Cleanup the build code

  • When using const compiler = webpack(...);, make sure to close the compiler after using it: compiler.close(callback);.
    • This doesn't apply to the webpack(..., callback) form which automatically closes.
    • This is optional if you use webpack in watching mode until the user ends the process. The idle phases in watch mode will be used for this kind of work.

Run a single build and follow advises

Please make sure to read errors/warnings carefully.

If there is no corresponding advise? Please create an issue and we will try to resolve it. Repeat this step until you solved at least level 3 or 4:

  • Level 1: Schema validation fails. Configuration options have changed. There should be a validation error with a BREAKING CHANGE: note, or a hint which option should be used instead.

  • Level 2: webpack exits with an error. The error message should tell you what needs to be changed.

  • Level 3: Build Errors. The error message should have a BREAKING CHANGE: note.

  • Level 4: Build Warnings. The warning message should tell you what can be improved.

  • Level 5: Runtime Errors. This is tricky. You probably have to debug to find the problem. A general advise is difficult here.

  • Level 6: Deprecation Warnings. You probably get a lot of deprecation warnings. This is not directly a problem. Plugins need time to catch up with core changes. Please report these deprecations to the plugins. These deprecations are only warnings and the build will still work with only minor drawbacks (like less performance).

  • Level 7: Performance issues. Usually performance should improve with webpack 5, but there are also a few cases where performance get worse.

  • Regarding Runtime Errors:

    • process is not defined.
      • webpack 5 does no longer include a polyfill for this Node.js variable. Avoid using it in the frontend code.
      • Want to support frontend and browser usage? Use the exports or imports package.json field to use different code depending on the environment.
        • Also use the browser field to support older bundlers,.
        • Alternative: Wrap code blocks with the typeof process checks. Note that this will have a negative impact on the bundle size.
      • Want to use environment variables with process.env.VARIABLE? You need to use the DefinePlugin or EnvironmentPlugin to define these variables in the configuration.
        • Consider using VARIABLE instead and make sure to check typeof VARIABLE !== 'undefined' too. process.env is Node.js specific and should be avoided in frontend code.
    • 404 errors pointing to URLs containing auto
      • Not all ecosystem tooling is ready for the new default automatic publicPath via output.publicPath: "auto"
        • Use a static output.publicPath: "" instead.
  • Regarding Deprecation Warnings:

    • You can hide deprecation warnings by running node with --no-deprecation flag, e.g.: node --no-deprecation node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js. This should only be a temporary workaround.
    • Plugins and Loaders contributors can follow the advises in the deprecation messages to improve the code.
  • Regarding Performance issues:

    • Profile where the time is spend.
      • --profile --progress displays a simple performance profile now
      • node --inspect-brk node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js + chrome://inspect / edge://inspect (see profiler tab).
        • You can save these profiles to files and provide them in issues.
        • Try using --no-turbo-inlining flag for better stack traces in some cases
    • Time for building modules in incremental builds can be improved by reverting to unsafe caching like in webpack 4:
      • module.unsafeCache: true
      • But this might affect the ability to handle some of the changes to the code base
    • Full build
      • Backward-compatibility layer for the deprecated features will usually have worse performance compared to the new features.
      • Creating many warnings can affect build performance, even if they are ignored.
      • Source Maps are expensive. Check devtool option in the documentation to see a comparison of the different options.
      • Anti-Virus protection might affect performance of the file system access.
      • Persistent Caching can help to improve the repetitive full builds.
      • Module Federation allows to split the application into multiple smaller builds.

Turn off ES2015 syntax in runtime code, if necessary

By default, webpack's runtime code uses ES2015 syntax to build smaller bundles. If your build targets environments that don't support this syntax (like IE11), you'll need to set target: ['web', 'es5'] to revert to ES5 syntax ('web' if target environment is browser).

Everything works?

Please tweet that you have successfully migrated to webpack 5. Tweet it

It is not working?

Create an issue and tell us about the issues you have encountered during the migration.

Something missing in this guide?

Please open a Pull Request to help the next person using this guide.

Changes to internals

The changes to webpack internals such as: adding types, refactoring code and methods renaming are listed here for anyone interested. But they are not intended as a part of common use-case migration.

  • Module.nameForCondition, Module.updateCacheModule and Module.chunkCondition are no longer optional.

getOptions method for Loaders

webpack 5 ships with built-in this.getOptions method available in loader context. This is a breaking change for loaders that had been using getOptions method from previously preferred schema-utils:

  • this.getOptions is available since webpack 5
  • Instead of JSON5 it supports JSON as a query string: ?{arg:true}?{"arg":true}. Using JSON5 should be considered and documented as deprecated in favor of JSON in respective Loader's documentation.
  • loader-utils has specific behavior for parsing query strings (true, false and null won't be parsed as string but as a primitive value). This is no longer the case for the new built-in this.getOptions method, which uses native querystring parsing (ships with Node.js). It is still possible to add custom behavior for these cases in the Loader's code after getting the options by using this.getOptions method.
  • Schema argument is optional for the new this.getOptions method, but we strongly advise to add schema validation for your Loader's options. The title field in the schema, can be used to customize the validation error message e.g. "title": "My Loader ooooptions" will result in displaying errors this way: Invalid ooooptions object. My Loader has been initialised using an ooooptions object that does not match the API schema. - should be a string.

To v4 from v3

This guide only shows major changes that affect end users. For more details please see the changelog.

Node.js v4

If you are still using Node.js v4 or lower, you need to upgrade your Node.js installation to Node.js v6 or higher.

Instructions for upgrading your Node.js version can be found here.


The CLI has moved to a separate package: webpack-cli. You need to install it before using webpack, see basic setup.

The installation guide can be found here.

Update plugins

Many 3rd party plugins need to be updated to the latest versions to be compatible with webpack 4. Links to popular plugins can be found here.


Add the new mode option to your configuration. Set it to 'production', 'development' or 'none' depending on your configuration type.


module.exports = {
  // ...
+  mode: 'production',

The purpose of 'development' mode and 'production' mode is different. You can use webpack-merge as shown in production guide to optimize configurations.

Deprecated/Removed plugins

These plugins can be removed from configuration as they are default in production mode:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
-    new NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),
-    new ModuleConcatenationPlugin(),
-    new DefinePlugin({ "process.env.NODE_ENV": JSON.stringify("production") })
-    new UglifyJsPlugin()

These plugins are default in development mode


module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
-    new NamedModulesPlugin()

These plugins were deprecated and are now removed:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
-    new NoErrorsPlugin(),
-    new NewWatchingPlugin()


The CommonsChunkPlugin was removed. Instead the optimization.splitChunks options can be used.

See documentation of the optimization.splitChunks for more details. The default configuration may already suit your needs.

When generating the HTML from the stats you can use optimization.splitChunks.chunks: "all" which is the optimal configuration in most cases.

import() and CommonJS

When using import() to load non-ESM the result has changed in webpack 4. Now you need to access the default property to get the value of module.exports.


module.exports = {
  sayHello: () => {
    console.log('hello world');


function sayHello() {
  import('./non-esm.js').then(module => {

json and loaders

When using a custom loader to transform .json files you now need to change the module type:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  rules: [
      test: /config\.json$/,
      loader: 'special-loader',
+     type: 'javascript/auto',
      options: {...}

When still using the json-loader, it can be removed:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  rules: [
-     test: /\.json$/,
-     loader: 'json-loader'


module.loaders were deprecated since webpack 2 and are now removed in favor of module.rules.

To v2 or v3 from v1

The following sections describe the major changes from webpack 1 to 2.

Note that there were far fewer changes between 2 and 3, so that migration shouldn't be too bad. If you are running into issues, please see the changelog for details.

resolve.root, resolve.fallback, resolve.modulesDirectories

These options were replaced by a single option resolve.modules. See resolving for more usage.

  resolve: {
-   root: path.join(__dirname, "src")
+   modules: [
+     path.join(__dirname, "src"),
+     "node_modules"
+   ]


This option no longer requires passing an empty string. This behavior was moved to resolve.enforceExtension. See resolving for more usage.


Several APIs were changed here. Not listed in detail as it's not commonly used. See resolving for details.

module.loaders is now module.rules

The old loader configuration was superseded by a more powerful rules system, which allows configuration of loaders and more. For compatibility reasons, the old module.loaders syntax is still valid and the old names are parsed. The new naming conventions are easier to understand and are a good reason to upgrade the configuration to using module.rules.

  module: {
-   loaders: [
+   rules: [
        test: /\.css$/,
-       loaders: [
-         "style-loader",
-         "css-loader?modules=true"
+       use: [
+         {
+           loader: "style-loader"
+         },
+         {
+           loader: "css-loader",
+           options: {
+             modules: true
+           }
+         }
        test: /\.jsx$/,
        loader: "babel-loader", // Do not use "use" here
        options: {
          // ...

Chaining loaders

Like in webpack 1, loaders can be chained to pass results from loader to loader. Using the rule.use configuration option, use can be set to an array of loaders. In webpack 1, loaders were commonly chained with !. This style is only supported using the legacy option module.loaders.

  module: {
-   loaders: [{
+   rules: [{
      test: /\.less$/,
-     loader: "style-loader!css-loader!less-loader"
+     use: [
+       "style-loader",
+       "css-loader",
+       "less-loader"
+     ]

Automatic -loader module name extension removed

It is not possible anymore to omit the -loader extension when referencing loaders:

  module: {
    rules: [
        use: [
-         "style",
+         "style-loader",
-         "css",
+         "css-loader",
-         "less",
+         "less-loader",

You can still opt-in to the old behavior with the resolveLoader.moduleExtensions configuration option, but this is not recommended.

+ resolveLoader: {
+   moduleExtensions: ["-loader"]
+ }

See #2986 for the reason behind this change.

json-loader is not required anymore

When no loader has been configured for a JSON file, webpack will automatically try to load the JSON file with the json-loader.

  module: {
    rules: [
-     {
-       test: /\.json/,
-       loader: "json-loader"
-     }

We decided to do this in order to iron out environment differences between webpack, node.js and browserify.

Loaders in configuration resolve relative to context

In webpack 1, configured loaders resolve relative to the matched file. However, in webpack 2, configured loaders resolve relative to the context option.

This solves some problems with duplicate modules caused by loaders when using npm link or referencing modules outside of the context.

You may remove some hacks to work around this:

  module: {
    rules: [
        // ...
-       loader: require.resolve("my-loader")
+       loader: "my-loader"
  resolveLoader: {
-   root: path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules")

module.preLoaders and module.postLoaders were removed:

  module: {
-   preLoaders: [
+   rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
+       enforce: "pre",
        loader: "eslint-loader"

UglifyJsPlugin sourceMap

The sourceMap option of the UglifyJsPlugin now defaults to false instead of true. This means that if you are using source maps for minimized code or want correct line numbers for uglifyjs warnings, you need to set sourceMap: true for UglifyJsPlugin.

  devtool: "source-map",
  plugins: [
    new UglifyJsPlugin({
+     sourceMap: true

UglifyJsPlugin warnings

The compress.warnings option of the UglifyJsPlugin now defaults to false instead of true. This means that if you want to see uglifyjs warnings, you need to set compress.warnings to true.

  devtool: "source-map",
  plugins: [
    new UglifyJsPlugin({
+     compress: {
+       warnings: true
+     }

UglifyJsPlugin minimize loaders

UglifyJsPlugin no longer switches loaders into minimize mode. The minimize: true setting needs to be passed via loader options in the long-term. See loader documentation for relevant options.

The minimize mode for loaders will be removed in webpack 3 or later.

To keep compatibility with old loaders, loaders can be switched to minimize mode via plugin:

  plugins: [
+   new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
+     minimize: true
+   })

DedupePlugin has been removed

webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin isn't needed anymore. Remove it from your configuration.

BannerPlugin - breaking change

BannerPlugin no longer accepts two parameters, but a single options object.

  plugins: [
-    new webpack.BannerPlugin('Banner', {raw: true, entryOnly: true});
+    new webpack.BannerPlugin({banner: 'Banner', raw: true, entryOnly: true});

OccurrenceOrderPlugin is now on by default

The OccurrenceOrderPlugin is now enabled by default and has been renamed (OccurenceOrderPlugin in webpack 1). Thus make sure to remove the plugin from your configuration:

  plugins: [
    // webpack 1
-   new webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin()
    // webpack 2
-   new webpack.optimize.OccurrenceOrderPlugin()

ExtractTextWebpackPlugin - breaking change

ExtractTextPlugin requires version 2 to work with webpack 2.

npm install --save-dev extract-text-webpack-plugin

The configuration changes for this plugin are mainly syntactical.


module: {
  rules: [
      test: /.css$/,
-      loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader", { publicPath: "/dist" })
+      use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
+        fallback: "style-loader",
+        use: "css-loader",
+        publicPath: "/dist"
+      })

new ExtractTextPlugin({options})

plugins: [
-  new ExtractTextPlugin("bundle.css", { allChunks: true, disable: false })
+  new ExtractTextPlugin({
+    filename: "bundle.css",
+    disable: false,
+    allChunks: true
+  })

Full dynamic requires now fail by default

A dependency with only an expression (i. e. require(expr)) will now create an empty context instead of the context of the complete directory.

Code like this should be refactored as it won't work with ES2015 modules. If this is not possible you can use the ContextReplacementPlugin to hint the compiler towards the correct resolving.

Link to an article about dynamic dependencies.

Using custom arguments in CLI and configuration

If you abused the CLI to pass custom arguments to the configuration like so:

webpack --custom-stuff

// webpack.config.js
var customStuff = process.argv.indexOf('--custom-stuff') >= 0;
/* ... */
module.exports = config;

You may notice that this is no longer allowed. The CLI is more strict now.

Instead there is an interface for passing arguments to the configuration. This should be used instead. Future tools may rely on this.

webpack --env.customStuff

module.exports = function(env) {
  var customStuff = env.customStuff;
  /* ... */
  return config;

See CLI.

require.ensure and AMD require are asynchronous

These functions are now always asynchronous instead of calling their callback synchronously if the chunk is already loaded.

require.ensure now depends upon native Promises. If using require.ensure in an environment that lacks them then you will need a polyfill.

Loader configuration is through options

You can no longer configure a loader with a custom property in the webpack.config.js. It must be done through the options. The following configuration with the ts property is no longer valid with webpack 2:

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [{
      test: /\.tsx?$/,
      loader: 'ts-loader'
  // does not work with webpack 2
  ts: { transpileOnly: false }

What are options?

Good question. Well, strictly speaking it's 2 possible things; both ways to configure a webpack loader. Classically options was called query and was a string which could be appended to the name of the loader. Much like a query string but actually with greater powers:

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [{
      test: /\.tsx?$/,
      loader: 'ts-loader?' + JSON.stringify({ transpileOnly: false })

But it can also be a separately specified object that's supplied alongside a loader:

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [{
      test: /\.tsx?$/,
      loader: 'ts-loader',
      options:  { transpileOnly: false }

LoaderOptionsPlugin context

Some loaders need context information and read them from the configuration. This needs to be passed via loader options in the long-term. See loader documentation for relevant options.

To keep compatibility with old loaders, this information can be passed via plugin:

  plugins: [
+   new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
+     options: {
+       context: __dirname
+     }
+   })


The debug option switched loaders to debug mode in webpack 1. This needs to be passed via loader options in long-term. See loader documentation for relevant options.

The debug mode for loaders will be removed in webpack 3 or later.

To keep compatibility with old loaders, loaders can be switched to debug mode via a plugin:

- debug: true,
  plugins: [
+   new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
+     debug: true
+   })

Code Splitting with ES2015

In webpack 1, you could use require.ensure() as a method to lazily-load chunks for your application:

require.ensure([], function(require) {
  var foo = require('./module');

The ES2015 Loader spec defines import() as method to load ES2015 Modules dynamically on runtime. webpack treats import() as a split-point and puts the requested module in a separate chunk. import() takes the module name as argument and returns a Promise.

function onClick() {
  import('./module').then(module => {
    return module.default;
  }).catch(err => {
    console.log('Chunk loading failed');

Good news: Failure to load a chunk can now be handled because they are Promise based.

Dynamic expressions

It's possible to pass a partial expression to import(). This is handled similar to expressions in CommonJS (webpack creates a context with all possible files).

import() creates a separate chunk for each possible module.

function route(path, query) {
  return import(`./routes/${path}/route`)
    .then(route => new route.Route(query));
// This creates a separate chunk for each possible route

Mixing ES2015 with AMD and CommonJS

As for AMD and CommonJS you can freely mix all three module types (even within the same file). webpack behaves similar to babel and node-eps in this case:

// CommonJS consuming ES2015 Module
var book = require('./book');

book.default === 'This is a book';
// ES2015 Module consuming CommonJS
import fs from 'fs'; // module.exports map to default
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; // named exports are read from returned object+

typeof fs.readFileSync === 'function';
typeof readFileSync === 'function';

It is important to note that you will want to tell Babel to not parse these module symbols so webpack can use them. You can do this by setting the following in your .babelrc or babel-loader options.


  "presets": [
    ["es2015", { "modules": false }]


No need to change something, but opportunities

Template strings

webpack now supports template strings in expressions. This means you can start using them in webpack constructs:

- require("./templates/" + name);
+ require(`./templates/${name}`);

Configuration Promise

webpack now supports returning a Promise from the configuration file. This allows async processing in your configuration file.


module.exports = function() {
  return fetchLangs().then(lang => ({
    entry: '...',
    // ...
    plugins: [
      new DefinePlugin({ LANGUAGE: lang })

Advanced loader matching

webpack now supports more things to match on for loaders.

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        resource: /filename/, // matches "/path/filename.js"
        resourceQuery: /^\?querystring$/, // matches "?querystring"
        issuer: /filename/, // matches "/path/something.js" if requested from "/path/filename.js"

More CLI options

There are some new CLI options for you to use:

--define process.env.NODE_ENV="production" See DefinePlugin.

--display-depth displays the distance to the entry point for each module.

--display-used-exports display info about which exports are used in a module.

--display-max-modules sets the number for modules displayed in the output (defaults to 15).

-p also defines process.env.NODE_ENV to "production" now.

Loader changes

Changes only relevant for loader authors.


Loaders are now cacheable by default. Loaders must opt-out if they are not cacheable.

  // Cacheable loader
  module.exports = function(source) {
-   this.cacheable();
    return source;
  // Not cacheable loader
  module.exports = function(source) {
+   this.cacheable(false);
    return source;

Complex options

webpack 1 only supports JSON.stringify-able options for loaders.

webpack 2 now supports any JS object as loader options.

Before webpack 2.2.1 (i.e. from 2.0.0 through 2.2.0), using complex options required using ident for the options object to allow its reference from other loaders. This was removed in 2.2.1 and thus current migrations do not require any use of the ident key.

  test: /\.ext/
  use: {
    loader: '...',
    options: {
-     ident: 'id',
      fn: () => require('./foo.js')
